How it Works

Find your used car, new car, truck, your motorbike or your caravan from over 1.4 million offers.

  • Get a Driver

    We will deal with over 200 air-conditioned, comfortable and comfortable vehicles. Relax and enjoy a safe ride with our kind professionals.

  • Track Your Driver

    We provide passenger transport services with a van (8 + 1) from Novi Sad to all destinations in the country and abroad, fast, high quality and safe.

  • Arrive Safely

    As a special offer, we highlight all international, international and international destinations.

  • Finish & Pay

    We provide passenger transport services with a van (8 + 1) from Novi Sad to all destinations in the country and abroad, fast, high quality and safe.

Hajde taxi

Create New Account

We provide transportation services to the airports in Belgrade, Bucharest, Budapest, Zagreb.

Special offer of transport during EXIT on relation Novi Sad - Aerodrom "Nikola Tesla" - Novi Sad

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Hajde taxi

Select an Driver

We are known for being the only taxi company in which besides quality service you have the opportunity to win many valuable prizes in our prize game. Click the button below to find out more.

Driver List





Hajde taxi

You need a taxi? estimate your ride

We will deal with over 200 air-conditioned, comfortable and comfortable vehicles.

Relax and enjoy a safe ride with our kind professionals.

Hajde Taxi Features

Find your used car, new car, truck, your motorbike or your caravan from over 1.4 million offers.

  • Regular Driving

    We will deal with over 200 air-conditioned, comfortable and comfortable vehicles. Relax and enjoy a safe ride with our kind professionals.

  • Van Transportation

    We provide passenger transport services with a van (8 + 1) from Novi Sad to all destinations in the country and abroad, fast, high quality and safe.

  • Regular Driving

    As a special offer, we highlight all international, international and international destinations.

  • Regular Driving

    We provide transportation services to the airports in Belgrade, Bucharest, Budapest, Zagreb. Special offer of transport during EXIT on relation Novi Sad - Aerodrom "Nikola Tesla" - Novi Sad.

Drive and earn Reward.

We are known for being the only taxi company in which besides quality service you have the opportunity to win many valuable prizes in our prize game.

Click the button below to find out more.


Use Hajde maps for hints, earn rewards

We are known for being the only taxi company in which besides quality service you have the opportunity to win many valuable prizes in our prize game.

Click the button below to find out more.


Hajde Testimonials

Find your used car, new car, truck, your motorbike or your caravan from over 1.4 million offers.

“ We are transporting passenger transport services with Novi Sad to all destinations in the country and abroad, fast, high quality and safe.

45% great quote

“ We are transporting passenger transport services with Novi Sad to all destinations in the country and abroad, fast, high quality and safe.

45% great quote

“ We are transporting passenger transport services with Novi Sad to all destinations in the country and abroad, fast, high quality and safe.

45% great quote

“ We are transporting passenger transport services with Novi Sad to all destinations in the country and abroad, fast, high quality and safe.

45% great quote

“ We are transporting passenger transport services with Novi Sad to all destinations in the country and abroad, fast, high quality and safe.

45% great quote

“ We are transporting passenger transport services with Novi Sad to all destinations in the country and abroad, fast, high quality and safe.

45% great quote


Find your used car, new car, truck, your motorbike or your caravan from over 1.4 million offers.

Can I also use the Hajde Taxi service online?

"My Account" lets you save your personal settings in the mytaxi app. You can then access your personal profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal mytaxi profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal profile for your next trips. "My Account" users also have the optionof saving a payment method in order to use the cashless and cardless payment system.

How do I log into „My Account“?

"My Account" lets you save your personal settings in the mytaxi app. You can then access your personal profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal mytaxi profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal profile for your next trips. "My Account" users also have the optionof saving a payment method in order to use the cashless and cardless payment system.

What should I do if I forget my user name?

"My Account" lets you save your personal settings in the mytaxi app. You can then access your personal profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal mytaxi profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal profile for your next trips. "My Account" users also have the optionof saving a payment method in order to use the cashless and cardless payment system.

Does it cost anything to use the Hajde Taxi app?

"My Account" lets you save your personal settings in the mytaxi app. You can then access your personal profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal mytaxi profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal profile for your next trips. "My Account" users also have the optionof saving a payment method in order to use the cashless and cardless payment system.

Do I lose my taxi booking if I close the app?

"My Account" lets you save your personal settings in the mytaxi app. You can then access your personal profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal mytaxi profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal profile for your next trips. "My Account" users also have the optionof saving a payment method in order to use the cashless and cardless payment system.

What about advance order options?

"My Account" lets you save your personal settings in the mytaxi app. You can then access your personal profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal mytaxi profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal profile for your next trips. "My Account" users also have the optionof saving a payment method in order to use the cashless and cardless payment system.

What special booking options are there?

"My Account" lets you save your personal settings in the mytaxi app. You can then access your personal profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal mytaxi profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal profile for your next trips. "My Account" users also have the optionof saving a payment method in order to use the cashless and cardless payment system.

What special booking options are there?

"My Account" lets you save your personal settings in the mytaxi app. You can then access your personal profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal mytaxi profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal profile for your next trips. "My Account" users also have the optionof saving a payment method in order to use the cashless and cardless payment system.

What makes paying by app so safe?

"My Account" lets you save your personal settings in the mytaxi app. You can then access your personal profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal mytaxi profile from all end devices. Your personal settings are automatically saved in your personal profile for your next trips. "My Account" users also have the optionof saving a payment method in order to use the cashless and cardless payment system.

Hajde Food also
for your smartphone

Walk to everything! Located next to the metro. Steps from CVS, restaurants, bars, and rooftops